Build a Sales
Strategy to grow,
Integrate to expand.
Strategy to grow,
Integrate to expand.

Customer Focused
Our customers are our top priority, without you we can’t succeed.
Since we started we are installed in over 30 businesses & growing.
We Boost Our Clients’ Bottom Line by providing a service to suit them.
We’re A True Partner
When we form a relationship with a client we want to be considered a partner. It is not enough to just provide a service, by producing a technology roadmap we work together.
Our primary company is Hamilton Group and they provide this for our customers.
Solutions to meet your needs
Cygnatech is our brand, from Computer Backups to Monitoring and Cyber Security, we have our customers covered with the Cygnatech brand.
We have your best interest at heart.
Looking for more services?

“Hamilton Systems brought another Cygnatech product to help businesses grow with success.
With Cygnatech Comms,
we offer nothing but the best service.”
Carl Hamilton
Managing Director, CHTSI